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Recent content by apmaurosr

  1. apmaurosr

    Angler & Hunter Caucus Meets in Trenton

    New Jersey Angler and Hunter Conservation Caucus Meets in Trenton Press Release, Belmar, NJ Co-chairs Senator Norcross (D), Senator Oroho (R), Assemblyman Burzichelli (D), Assemblyman Chiusano (R) hosted the NJAHCC meeting in committee room 1 of the State House on October 18, 2010. Fifteen...
  2. apmaurosr

    Some things never change

    We can safely say that despite the fact that people are living at a face pace in an age of wonders, our natural heritage, such as hunting and fishing in our forests, fields, and streams, and the tremendous recreational facilities which are so essential to the physical and moral good of our...
  3. apmaurosr

    DEP Transition Team Report Available

    DEP Transition Team Report Available _________________________________________________________________________ I'd like to thank each of you for your involvement in the 2009 gubernatorial election. I'm confident that the prominent role the outdoor community played in helping to elect...
  4. apmaurosr

    Book About NJOA Now Available

    Book about New Jersey Outdoor Alliance Now Available __________________________________________________ ________________________ A few months ago I created a thread that I was publishing a book that included the story of the New Jersey Outdoor Alliance. The book is now available. It is...
  5. apmaurosr

    Does a Rally for Fishing & Hunting Work?

    The list of speakers has not been finalized. This is not a "political rally," it is a rally to bring attention to the decaying state of New Jersey's outdoors. Yes, the NJOA endorses Chris Christie - but it is NOT a Chris Christie rally, he will most likely speak for 10 minutes. Here is what...
  6. apmaurosr

    Does a Rally for Fishing & Hunting Work?

    __________________________________ The simple answer is yes, but it needs to be well attended. Here's proof: The large turnout for the NJOA "Mullica Hill" rally and "Battle of Monmouth" rally, both in 2007, brought attention to two bills designed to ban freshwater fishing and hunting in...
  7. apmaurosr

    One Final Point

    One Final Point (From an NJOA E Action Alert series) The focus of this week's NJOA E Action Alerts have been on broadening our awareness of the pervasive and continuing attempts by national and local animal extremist to eliminate our freedoms to fish, hunt, trap and live a lifestyle of our...
  8. apmaurosr

    SafeBackyards.com: Animal Rights Hucksterism?

    SafeBackyards.com is a campaign of the animal rights movement that has been fabricated to create public angst and browbeat NJ policy makers to prevent them from enacting a sound conservation bill. The OpEd at the link found below will provide facts about the merits of the bill and also peel back...
  9. apmaurosr

    NJOA Makes it Easy to Contact Legislators...

    and keep up-to-date on legislation! The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance is your guardian of fishing, hunting and trapping freedoms. From helping to create the state’s first angling and hunting caucus to providing “round-the-clock” representation in Trenton the NJOA is the YOUR advocate for...
  10. apmaurosr

    Anglers: Your Help is Needed Urgently

    BTW - HSUS is after all of us. (See below) ------------------ End the Mako Mania Shark Tournament, Says The HSUS Targeted Species Face Significant Conservation Concerns As shark populations face serious threats from overfishing along the East Coast, The Humane Society of the United States...
  11. apmaurosr

    Anglers: Your Help is Needed Urgently

    To our angler friends: Your help is desperately needed. <O:p</O:p The New Jersey Outdoor Alliance represents the interests of anglers, hunters and trappers in Trenton. On Monday two bills that will be voted on and national “anti” groups HSUS, Sierra, etc. have gathered their “national” powers...
  12. apmaurosr

    Historic Day for Outdoorsmen & Outdoorswomen

    December 15, 2008 Press Release Historic Day for NJ Outdoorsmen and Outdoorswomen. Conservation Caucus Formed New Jersey’s nearly 1,000,000 anglers, hunters and trappers are claiming a historic day. They are referring to the creation and first official meeting of the New Jersey Angling...
  13. apmaurosr

    Legislative Alert

    Just a quick note: Our bills are beginning to move in the assembly and senate. Please call your legislators and ask them to support the bills and request that they have them posted for a vote (brought up for a vote.) Here are the assembly bills. Contact your assemblyperson: A283...
  14. apmaurosr

    1,000,000: Unleash the Power!

    1,000,000 is a big number. It also represents what some say are the total number of anglers, hunters and trappers in New Jersey. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> We hear that there is power in numbers. It would certainly be true...
  15. apmaurosr

    Sportsmen Unite to Defeat Anti Hunters

    Unity Among Sportsmen and Sportswomen Defeats Ordinance (The Benefit of Unity) More than 50 conservationists gathered at the Wall Township Committee Meeting last night to support the last minute removal of an ordinance would have prohibited a person from having a loaded firearm or nocked arrow...