Hey everyone, my name is Diogo and I started a fly fishing documentary series!
The first episode introduces my friend Peter and I, who will host colorful characters and fly fishing legends across the fly fishing landscape. For the second episode, we partnered with the Catskill Fly Fishing Center & Museum to produce “Streams of Heritage” briefly goes over the history of the dry fly and fly fishing in the United States, which originated in the Catskills.
Streams of Heritage:
We are just getting started! These subjects will be expanded upon and our next few episodes will focus on conservation, heritage and history. I’d be honored if you took 20 minutes to watch the latest episode. We will be bringing some exciting documentaries once a month starting in January, 2024!
Hope you can tune in.
Frequent Flyers Fishing
“Live & Let Fly” Documentary Series
The doldrums of winter, not so dull on the WB of the Delaware River
When I'm bored, I sit back and watch this guy fish the WB. The video has some drone footage too.
The Isonychia Bicolor - Mahogany Dunn - Slate Drake - It's time!
Isonychia bicolor is a species of mayfly commonly referred to as the "mahogany dun" or "slate drake" by anglers. Here are some details and facts about this mayfly species:
Habitat: They are found in many streams and rivers, especially in the Eastern United States. These mayflies prefer clean, running water.
Life Cycle: Like other mayflies, Isonychia bicolor has a short adult lifespan, sometimes only lasting a few hours to a couple of days. The purpose of the adult stage is primarily reproduction. They undergo an incomplete metamorphosis, which includes the egg, nymph, subimago (dun), and imago (spinner) stages.
Nymph Stage: The nymphs are active swimmers and can be found in the fast currents of streams. They have a distinctive appearance with dark bodies and pale markings.
Importance for Anglers: This species is of particular interest to fly fishermen because trout and other fish often feed on the nymphs and emergers. As such, there are many fly patterns designed to imitate both...
I’m back and I see the site is not functioning correctly. I’ll need this fixed stat. My reputation doesn’t allow me to be on a site with a malfunctioning time clock. Dennis attend to this issue immediately
Eggs are out of control. I don't blame my Trumpy bear though. The day after the lost sole took office, it was downhill. It's going to take a life time to repair what that moron did.
Moosekid rubs elbows with the ultra wealthy and uber rich musicians. Hence his care not attitude... PS, can you get me a Beatles signature... no, not THAT one.
NY State Fly Fishing hatches recent trips Guided river float Delaware river guides scadden Pontoon boat Beaverkill Neversink West Branch East Branch Croton Willowemoc Catskill flies esopus Al Caucci Paul Weamer mayfly mary dette mayfly mayfly.com
New Jersey Fly fishing KLG Ken Lockwood Gorge Pequest Musky Musconetcong Ramapo Paulinskill Manasquan Pequannock Rockaway South Branch Raritan Toms River Wallkill Wanaque njtrout njtrout.com
Talk about your adventures to the Little Lehigh or maybe Pine Creek. Discus hatch's, stream conditions, or other valuable information. Keep in mind that You have a friend in PA! I just had to throw that in there!
Please use this forum to discus past / future fly fishing related shows and Fly Fishing related Events of interest. Fly Fishing Show Somerset NJ knotweed cleanup
Main forum pageNEFF - Fly Fishing related Talk for NY - PA - NJ - CT - and the New England Area. Discus River Conditions, Insect Life, Trips, Stories, etc...
Have a question about how to tie a fly, or just looking for variations of a fly, come on in and talk about it! You can also discus your equipment as well as post photo's of your favorite fly's.
Rod Reel line talk. Sage XP Orvis Superfine Clearwater Trident tls T&T Thomas & Thomas Vector Paridigm Winston Scott Loomis GLX Temple Fork Reddington hardy lamson ross abel rio wulff triangle Scientific Angler Cortland 444 555 double taper
New to NEFF. I live and fish in So. Cal 7-months of the year, spend the other 5-months in Ocean City NJ. I'm looking to start fresh water fly fishing there beginning late May through October. Any help finding fun spots to start would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I found your thread about floating the south branch and north branch. Can you please shed some more light on where to put in and take out, suitable water levels, ect... Dying to find a float in NJ.