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Nyc does not reflect our entire state

Well the fact is that there are a large number of folks receiving some govt assistance today and the narrative has been created that this can continue with someone else footing the bill. The reality is this can't be sustained. The single biggest line item in the budget is for entitlements. You also glossed over (I'm sure by accident) that minorities and women have been targeted with a similar narrative. This was given a name in the latest election cycle called micro-targeting. As for the Narrative that soon there will be no middle class left to make the rich rich...well you will have to first define rich and provide evidence that this is happening today.
this idea that the people who feel screwed by the rich are all on welfare or receiving assistance is way off. IMO most of those who feel screwed work their asses off only to get consolidated by the great job creators in their rush to maximize short-term gains. Sooner or later there will be no middle class to left to keep the rich rich. Then it will get real ugly.
Not true
Jefferson penned “An uneducated population can not choose their leaders properly.” With the left wing liberal media dumbing up the population and feeding lies and mistruths to put forth their socialist agenda. The socialist bigotry towards conservatives will continue unabated. They will systematically destroy the founding principles that were put in place to protect us from the same powers who want to change them. It is not the sheeps fault.It is the pro socilest media and entertainment industry at the root of this.

You forgot to mention the fact that the public schools are force feeding kids bullshit and a liberal agenda. They are teaching them what they want them to know and what their beliefs should be. Most kids these days, unless they have parents who care, believe all the nonsense and bull shit their teachers feed them in public school. The public school system is a perfect pulpit to spew their progressive agenda. How many conservative teachers do you know? Not many, and they are all in unions. Hmmmmm.
talk about ill informed and brain washed. Single line item (singular) is for entitlements (plural). Those entitlements in the fed budget are social security and medicaid/medicare, and veterans benefits. welfare crack whores are a state issue and administered to by counties. You conservatives are just as much brain washed sheep as the liberals you like to bitch about.
You forgot to mention the fact that the public schools are force feeding kids bullshit and a liberal agenda. They are teaching them what they want them to know and what their beliefs should be. Most kids these days, unless they have parents who care, believe all the nonsense and bull shit their teachers feed them in public school. The public school system is a perfect pulpit to spew their progressive agenda. How many conservative teachers do you know? Not many, and they are all in unions. Hmmmmm.
If their parents would stop coddling their precious can do no wrongs and teach them to think for themselves. That would not be an issue. Never the less eventually a large majority of the youth in the country will realize that you can still have the ability learn after they know everything, and will be enlightened and wake up to the truth. That I have faith in, the media is a whole different animal. They know the truth and still ignore it.
talk about ill informed and brain washed. Single line item (singular) is for entitlements (plural). Those entitlements in the fed budget are social security and medicaid/medicare, and veterans benefits. welfare crack whores are a state issue and administered to by counties. You conservatives are just as much brain washed sheep as the liberals you like to bitch about.

Now that is offensive. Anyone that is a realist knows that the above entitlements mentioned are Ponzi schemes and programs that keep the impoverished poor. Don’t sell the average non-politician conservative that short, most of us see the big picture.
Brain washed? I can see the forest for the trees. I know what's going on in this country and it has been going on for a long time. Much longer than before Bush. Big government, cradle to grave society is what they want. They want us all dependent on the government in some way shape or form.

To believe you really have a choice with a two party system is foolish. They are all one in the same. Hopefully the revolution comes sooner than later. The faster Barry and his progressive miscreants destroy this country the faster we can rebuild it.

The problem with spending other people's money is eventually you run out of it.
talk about ill informed and brain washed. Single line item (singular) is for entitlements (plural). Those entitlements in the fed budget are social security and medicaid/medicare, and veterans benefits. welfare crack whores are a state issue and administered to by counties. You conservatives are just as much brain washed sheep as the liberals you like to bitch about.

Welfare is state and federally funded.


Federally funded and governed US welfare began in the 1930's during the Great Depression. The US government responded to the overwhelming number of families and individuals in need of aid by creating a welfare program that would give assistance to those who had little or no income.

The US welfare system stayed in the hands of the federal government for the next sixty-one years. Many Americans were unhappy with the welfare system, claiming that individuals were abusing the welfare program by not applying for jobs, having more children just to get more aid, and staying unmarried so as to qualify for greater benefits. Welfare system reform became a hot topic in the1990's. Bill Clinton was elected as President with the intention of reforming the federally run US Welfare program. In 1996 the Republican Congress passed a reform law signed by President Clinton that gave the control of the welfare system back to the states.

Some programs are funded completely at the federal level, while others receive both state and federal funding. For example, Food Stamps and HUD programs are federally funded, while SSI is funded by the state and federal government alike. More in depth welfare information is available on each of these programs in regard to requirements, qualifications, and limitations and can be obtained through state agencies.
talk about ill informed and brain washed. Single line item (singular) is for entitlements (plural). Those entitlements in the fed budget are social security and medicaid/medicare, and veterans benefits. welfare crack whores are a state issue and administered to by counties. You conservatives are just as much brain washed sheep as the liberals you like to bitch about.

And your point is?
And your point is?

I think tompg is upset that I mixed up my singular and plural:). Seriously though means tested welfare/food stamps all comes from the federal budget. Matters little who administers it and those that receive it hardly care . My general point and tompg once again didn't address it is that we have shifted substantially in demographics and we are at a critical mass of people receiving some kind of assistance from the government. Coupled with a conscious effort to tell folks that this will continue and that the rich(still undefined) should pay more because that's fair we will continue to see folks vote for more of the same. How many times has the administration said that they will preserve social security and Medicare. This Is just unsustainable and of course the democras know this.
Pipe down you boobs. When health care reform takes place you all can get free mental health exams
There is no word that is more denigrating and dismissive than the Marxist word "masses". None of us consider ourselves as part of the "masses", but as individuals with our own concerns and opinions.

Regardless of party or ideology, to refer to the majority of Americans as the "masses" implies an ignorant, clueless, bunch of sheep. I would not use this term for anyone on this site or anyone I know.

Hmmm...as in:
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she
With silent lips. 'Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' "

That's what it says in that "Marxist" statue in New York harbor.
Sorry for taking up bandwidth with my last post. I see Future Fanatic already raised this issue earlier.
Free for you perhaps

It can be free for all of us. We just have to lose the work ethic and start pronouncing words that end in "th" with an F. Like boff, instead of both, and monfh instead of month. Now, is there anything else you would like to axe me?
It can be free for all of us. We just have to lose the work ethic and start pronouncing words that end in "th" with an F. Like boff, instead of both, and monfh instead of month. Now, is there anything else you would like to axe me?

I will not sink to your level. Bigotry has no place on NEFF.
What a bunch of crybabies. You losers are so stupid you don't even know how stupid you sound. Move to Canada. You lost.

I will never leave this great country. I was born, raised and I will be buried here. You're going to see what another 4 years does to the socialist party. By the end of it you'll be begging for a bible and a gun
Am I the only one who noticed?

Ever since I was old enough to be aware of politics (Truman years), the two major parties have been taking turns in the White house on an 8 year cycle.

There were two notable exceptions:

  • A particularly inept, unpopular president (Carter - 4 years)

    A particularly popular president, managed to pass it to his VP (Reagan/Bush - 12 years)
Based on the pre-election polls, Obama is neither....
But it was still "their turn".
And there you have it.... nuff said. you are so easy to be baited. There's a reason you lost. You should be reflecting instead of projecting you racist pig. done

Yeah. So racist. I didn't vote for Romney or Barry. So quick to throw out the racist card. All you lefties have.

Reflecting on what? The fact that most Americans are sucking from the government nipple and would rather get a handout than work for what they earn?

Now the republocrats are talking about considering amnesty?! Really. Disgusting. The people who support the left don't want amnesty. They want handouts! Free stuff! On the backs of others. I can't wait to get to Alaska where I can depend on MYSELF. When the shit hits the fan the people in the cities will be the first ones to get shafted. Look at all the GREAT help NYC and Jersey are getting after the storms.
Am I the only one who noticed?

Ever since I was old enough to be aware of politics (Truman years), the two major parties have been taking turns in the White house on an 8 year cycle.

There were two notable exceptions:

  • A particularly inept, unpopular president (Carter - 4 years)

    A particularly popular president, managed to pass it to his VP (Reagan/Bush - 12 years)
Based on the pre-election polls, Obama is neither....
But it was still "their turn".

The presidents are picked at the Bilderberg meetings. We have no choice in the matter.
Am I the only one who noticed?

Ever since I was old enough to be aware of politics (Truman years), the two major parties have been taking turns in the White house on an 8 year cycle.

There were two notable exceptions:
  • A particularly inept, unpopular president (Carter - 4 years)

    A particularly popular president, managed to pass it to his VP (Reagan/Bush - 12 years)
Based on the pre-election polls, Obama is neither....
But it was still "their turn".

Carter was the only POTUS to not get re-elected and Obama was the first to not receive more votes his second term. Those of us that understand politics and know that we are doomed to failure under this President can say whatever we want and right now it will appear to the liberals as sour grapes. The reel (pun intended) proof will come shortly when we enter a 2nd recession, unemployment rises, Obamacare scares the crap out of everyone (that one will take a few year unless you sell a home after Jan. 1st when 4% of your sale goes to healthcare), terrorists become increasingly emboldened and attack with greater frequency, Iran develops the nuclear bomb and potentially passes one off to Al Queda, and our debt continues to mount. On the latter, just having our credit rating take a 2nd hit will mean increased interest rates and even more spiraling debt.
Carter was the only POTUS to not get re-elected and Obama was the first to not receive more votes his second term. Those of us that understand politics and know that we are doomed to failure under this President can say whatever we want and right now it will appear to the liberals as sour grapes. The reel (pun intended) proof will come shortly when we enter a 2nd recession, unemployment rises, Obamacare scares the crap out of everyone (that one will take a few year unless you sell a home after Jan. 1st when 4% of your sale goes to healthcare), terrorists become increasingly emboldened and attack with greater frequency, Iran develops the nuclear bomb and potentially passes one off to Al Queda, and our debt continues to mount. On the latter, just having our credit rating take a 2nd hit will mean increased interest rates and even more spiraling debt.

You're a racist. How dare you speak I'll of the messiah.
Hmmm...as in:
"Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
'Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!' cries she
With silent lips. 'Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' "

That's what it says in that "Marxist" statue in New York harbor.

I spent most of my college years having Marxist theories shoved down my throat. The term "masses" was (and is) used by Marxists to refer to the majority of people that do not possess the capability to make decisions for themselves, so this is where the "Party" or State comes in - to direct the ignorant fools. "masses" has been adopted by the Marxist movement with a somewhat different defintion than it traditionally had. At the time of the of the creation of the the plaque for the Statue of Liberty, the word "gay" certainly had a different meaning than today - the language changes.